Saturday, June 03, 2006

The Prophet-Khalil Gibran

There are times when you feel a lump in your thoat,you want to speak but you voice fails you.Your eyelids are heavy with tears and you know that you are not sad..but just overwhelmed because what you reading is a book..that has touched a chord which is pure and the highest degree of truth if there is one.

I rarely ever cry. I cant recall the last time I did.It’s as if my tearglands have dried..but there is something so amazing about this book “THE PROPHET BY KHALIL GIBRAN” that each time i read it..i just feel the same..

On Love:

When love beckons you, follow him.
For even as Love crowns you so shall he crucify you.Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.

Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.Love Possesses not nor would it be possessed.For Love is sufficient unto Love.

Love has no other desire but to fulfil itself.

On Marriage:

You were born together,and together you shall be for evermore.

But let there be spaces in your togetherness. Love one another,but make not a bond of Love.Let it rather be a moving soul between the shores of your souls.

On Children:

Your children are not your children.They are sons and daughter of Life’s longing for itself.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts.You may house their bodies but not the soul.

On Giving:

You give but little when you give your possessions.It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

For what are your possessions but things you keep and guard for fear you may need tomorrow.

And what is fear of need but need itself?

On Work:

You work so that you may keep pace with the earth and the soul of the earth.

All life is darkness save when there is urge

And all urge is blind save when there is knowledge..

And all knowledge is vain save when there is work..

And all work is empty save when there is Love

And when you work with work you bind yourself unto yourself

Work is Love made visible.

On Sorrow:

Your Joy is your sorrow unmasked.

The Deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.

Together they come,and when one sits alone with you at your board,remember that the other is sleeping on your bed.

Of Houses:

Your House is your larger Body.

What is it that you guard with fastened doors?

We are children of Space,Restless in Rest ,we shall not be tamed or trapped.

The house is not an anchor but a mast.

Of Crime and Punishment:

When you commit a wrong unto others, we commit a wrong unto yourself

Like the holy and the righteous cannot rise beyond the highest which is in each one of us,
So the wicked and the weak cannot fall lower than the lowest in each one of you.

Of Freedom:

We cannot be free when even the desire of seeking freedom becomes a harness to us.It is when we also cease to speak of freedom as a goal and fulfillment.

We are free when days are bound with trouble and nights are full of grief,but we rise above these things naked and unbound.

Of Resaon and Passion:

Our Soul is often a battlefield,upon which your reason and your judgement wage war against you passion and your appetite.

Reason alone,is a force confining, and passion unattended is a flame that burns its own destruction.

Of Pain:

Much of our pain is self chosen.

It is the bitter potion by which the physician with you heals your sick self.

Therefore trust the physician and drink His remedy in Silence and tranquility.

Of Friendship:

Let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit.

Of Good and Evil:

You are good when you are one with oneself.Yet when you are not one with yourself you are not evil.

Your evil is your path of being good…be awake while you are being bad.


At 7:23 PM GMT+5:30 , Blogger Time Traveler said...

Good post. But it's Kahlil not Khalil.
Keep it up mate.

At 5:46 PM GMT+5:30 , Blogger Pj said...

Why do you cry rarely...? or is it just tears which do not come out. Do not say you do no cry if you cry without tears:((

At 11:21 PM GMT+5:30 , Blogger ± said...


i'll get a copy....

At 8:24 AM GMT+5:30 , Blogger shikha said...

Gautam:I stand corrected.Thanks:)

Pooja:Could be sad,but cry..that's a very strong emotion for me.Also,It is possible that what i call sadness you could call cry without individual perspective there:)


At 5:07 PM GMT+5:30 , Blogger karmic said...

Great post. I haven't read it in ages. Might be time to buy a copy again.
As for crying or not, I guess a lot depends on how one wants to deal with the resultant issues of letting oneself go via tears. Is it cathartic or does one percieve it as a sign of weakness (depending on the situation)?
It is a very basic human emotion or a different manifestation of sadness.
Thanks for stopping by my place.

At 8:35 PM GMT+5:30 , Blogger Blue Athena said...

Liked your post and appreciate the pains you took to mention those words!


At 1:17 AM GMT+5:30 , Blogger R said...

Good lines! It's important to be reminded about such times.

At 9:54 AM GMT+5:30 , Blogger shikha said...

Karmic: Some books can be read again and again..this is surely one of those collectors choice!As regards crying a manner to deal with a situation..I dont personally dont think should be perceived as a weakness....its a process of dealing with a situation and growing up!

Blue:It's always a pleasure to have ya around..was impressed with The Gita post of yours!

Rohit:Hi..The creatures that we are,We need to be reminded of such things again and again..for all that is evil is easily absorbed and all that is good is soon forgotten:)

At 3:10 PM GMT+5:30 , Blogger ± said...


I seek an update.


At 4:17 PM GMT+5:30 , Blogger shikha said...


I have nothing to say..

As they say, Happiness is a warm and i shot and dead!

At 4:18 PM GMT+5:30 , Blogger shikha said...

I did it again...

I mean"Happiness is a warm gun and i am shot and dead."

At 5:34 PM GMT+5:30 , Blogger Russell CJ Duffy said...

often overlooked here in the west and sadly so. the man has the touch of the divine about his words.

At 6:32 PM GMT+5:30 , Blogger ± said...

Santa and Banta were sitting and feeling happy in general.
Then happy got disgusted and left.

Did you hear about Santa who went for a liposuction?
He thought he’s going to get kissed.

Santa walking on the road with a parrot on is shoulder. Passerby asks ‘Kahaan se laya’?
Parrot replies ‘Punjab Se’

3 cheers for that smile on your face.
Now write….

At 8:00 PM GMT+5:30 , Blogger White Magpie said...

I love the Prophet too. Is special. Don't you just love the feeling of the lump in your throat when you witness something beautiful?

At 8:01 PM GMT+5:30 , Blogger White Magpie said...

I love the Prophet too. Is special. Don't you just love the feeling of the lump in your throat when you witness something beautiful? Ah love it. Be it books, movies or people.

I've tagged ye tho ;)

At 1:57 PM GMT+5:30 , Blogger shikha said...

CJ:For some strange reason i feel honoured to see your comment here!

Harjee:thanks for the joke:)

White magpie:Yup,I do love the just go speechless because you are so overwhelemed...And yeh..The tag:)

At 11:53 AM GMT+5:30 , Blogger Wanderer said...

One of my favourites!:)))) Can always read the Prophet over and over again...


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