Thursday, November 30, 2006

Life is beautiful....!!!!


At 4:12 PM GMT+5:30 , Blogger Mansi said...

Well.. certainly is the longest blog that has come from you for a long long time. And since no one commented on such a beautiful expression, I thought of trying my first chance with blogging.

Life is beautiful !! Thats an essential thought one needs to keep reminding oneself in order to survive the day to day struggles that life throws at you. And somewhere we tend to even forget that how beautiful this life's meant to be when god created it. He gave us everything - Parents aka ANGELS in whose shadow we open our eyes and feel secure - Relatives - an extended family which gives you a feeling of being rooted - Friends - To teach us about diversity which we shall face all life long - Spouse - To make us feel wanted - Kids - To know that growth is the essence of life.... and it keeps on going...

I dont know whether I have lived my life thinking about all this but as I write I realise that how often we dont realise it. But ya one thing I know is that if one can live everyday and appreciate every moment of it, it will be a life worth living !!

At 4:33 PM GMT+5:30 , Blogger shikha said...

A string of moments make a lifetime...with or without having what we want..the freshness of days and the peacefulness of the mind and the soul make life worthy:)


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