Unsent Messages
Those unsent messages
Which peeped from the folds in your voice
Did I ever comprehend them right?
Did you ever speak to me?
Did I only read you?
Did you ever meet me
In those meetings we never had?
Did I see you walk past me
In the blank?
But you are
An important part
Of that image
I see in the mirror
Of those sketches
That form in my head
When I listen to music
Of that nostalgic fragrance
Of freshness that soaks my bed
With your denim after shave
Before I immerse in my dreams
Of the thoughts
That cloud my head
When I touch a skin texture
Like yours
Of that electrifying feeling
When I listen to a laughter like yours
Or see another
squarish hand like yours
Or when I read and re-read what you write….
…Beyond the realm of these powerful emotions
There is a world which simmers
In my heart
When in an intimate rendezvous
With myself,
I unfold it
Feel it
Caress it
I discover
It is just me
The freshness
The Sketches
The Texture
The nostalgia
The Pointed shadow your nose made
In the darkness of the night
And your sudden laughter for no reason
I discover
On this journey
With my soul
That all this is
Just me
And does it matter
If I comprehended it right
Or it was just a picture I created
Or you thought of another…
…which was the opposite?
Those savory feelings
Make me smile
And give me strength
And does it matter
That you don’t even know?
Does it matter
That we don’t meet often
And conversations
Are now crisp and to the point
Tell me -does it matter?
As long we share a chemistry…
…though different in our heads
As long as we are more
In touch with ourselves
With or without
What another feels!!!
Labels: Courage, Discovery, Life, Relationships, Truth
There needs to be a closure of the past to be able to move on to a new life.
A closure in relationships, a mental preparation to let go of the past, a definite conclusion needs to be drawn when one has decided on moving on. This is needed mainly because we live life in our mind. More often than not relationships evolve and when there is a major shift in a relationship with the same person it is important that we bring our past relationship to a closure in order to rejuvenate ourselves for the newer relationship (with the same person) with equal love and no angst.
It’s important that we do this, so that as years pass by, we don’t carry baggage of the past and have an open mind to embrace the future. It also helps us in feeling less fatigued from our past struggles. It provides a gush a freshness to each phase of life, we are then in a position to have jovial conversations with our own self and are also able to appreciate humour and objectivity in life.
We can live our past(glorious or otherwise) in the present state of mind, which is lighter, and learn from mistakes, at the same time savouring past life.
Now that I stand at turning the steering wheel of my life to unknown territory, I have started this process of closure in my mind, because a kite cannot fly with many strings attached but just one, which brings it back home to peace and rest when the flight is done and the life lived. Also the string is a small reminder of the fact from where we actually originated
I was having this discussion with a colleague and he said
“Individuals are either Successful, wealthy and happy or Unsuccessful and with that unhappy and in pain.
Therefore one can either be Successful and hence happy or unsuccessful and hence unhappy!!! All that shit about rat race is actually that - SHIT.We all create the rat race because we want to be a part of it and get comfort being a part of the herd. We are human beings and hate to walk alone, so if we are not bright enough to lead we should just follow.”
This makes me think of those days when we used to play with toys, making and breaking and then remaking.
Having lived in a place close to the beach for most part of my life, I have seen kids make castles of sand and then admire them, break and then remake newer fresher ones!!!
I think somewhere when we grew up we forgot that castles are meant to be broken,to be remade again. Sometimes they are meant to be washed by the waves that dash against the shores and become a part of the infinity.
Having been a part of the herd, we forgot herds were made and did not originate out of the vacuum. Sure you cant lead a herd all the time, but you can Choose which one you like, rather then being in default mode all the time, driven by the waves of time and the gust of the wind.
I have just one lifetime and would want to leave my herd(comfort zone) to join another and make newer friends, learn more lessons and do different things. Adaptibilty –I think was the most important lesson in the evolution of mankind. I wonder how someone could shun survival instincts and live life in reverse gear-in a comfort zone all the time.
As we grow, we breed insecurity, greed and fear(the genesis of which is in the mind), which dampens our creativity, weakens our vision and the most important truth to survival and happiness-“Moving on”
So honey, its time to move on, break those castles in search for newer sand, some unseen land because we are sitting at the edge of infinity and are also a part of it. ..