Suppose a child is born..devoid of all senses,has no sight,no vision,no smell, no taste..nothing!There is no way, whatsoever in which he can receive any sensations from the outside world.And suppose this child is fed and kept alive for eighteen years.The question then asked is that" Does this eighteen year old have a thought in his head?If so, where does this come from?How does he get it...Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
A very deep thought...
Knowledge is exclusively derived from senses...what if i dont have any..does that mean that there is no moon, no sun, no wind because i cannot feel it?
That tree that falls on the ground...makes no sound...because there is no soul to perceive it!In other words..no observation,means no reality!
There is ample philosophy written on the subject, from Robert Pirsig to Osho..to many theories in the scientific world that imply that no observation mean no reality!
Yet again,it isn't a convincing answer for me!
Dreams seem real when we are asleep,we later realise that it is all in the mind!
What causes dream when we are asleep can cause the same when we are awake!Reality as you know could just be an illusion!In the above case,the reality of the body without any emotion is a reality for me, an illusion for that soul!
We simply do not know what is real!
Reality as you know it might just be an illusion!
We can simply never know things which are real!
There is no constant we can compare anything with!
I stand amid this roar...
and hold sand tightly in my hands
and when i open my hands...
i realise that the sand is no longer there...
and now i wonder,did i ever have any in my hand!
Umhh nice post ,really liked it .
Human beings have different senses to assimilate ,organise ,develope and express thoughts,ideas and beliefs.
One may face different degree of challenge in facing those issues but if one is keen, he overcome it.I'm sure you must have read my post on one such individual.
Umhh nice post ,really liked it .
Human beings have different senses to assimilate ,organise ,develope and express thoughts,ideas and beliefs.
One may face different degree of challenge in facing those issues but if one is keen, he overcome it.I'm sure you must have read my post on one such individual.
Very nice! And now I wanna write about dreams! :))
Liked the post. Humans are what they are because of their senses. I am not sure if a condition of continuous sensory deprivation can ever be achieved for prolonged period. Even if one did what would be the point? It would be inhuman to subject any one to this just so some can have an answer? Maybe some things are best left to the imagination to be pondered in the quiet recesses of our senses?
hmmm... :-)
pata nahin what else to say....
thought provoking...
Ajit:Glad you liked it!Have read that post of yours..Quite liked it!
Blue:Now,I am eagerly waiting for ur next post on dreams:)
Karmic:Actually there is nothing real/unreal..good/bad..right/wrong!
A scizopherniac's world is as real as ours is to us...
Harjee:We dont need to say something on everything...:)
My senses aren't cooperating these days :(
Deriving knowledge is exclusively based on how we sense and perceieve stuff...but what if we stop applying the perspective? Ahem..I dont know what I wrote. Sheesh.
Rohit:Are you saying that you have become numb...and your mind is totally blank...I dont think you are not thinking about anything!I guess you are using your senses differently and the decision that certqin things dont need that much mind space is a perspective on things..
Very interesting, I liked the post. It is true that we percieve things because of our senses, without that would we cease to exist as we know it?
Deep post - moi thoughts :)
Knowledge stems from memories..the past and not just the senses. All that we know is from the past. Everything that we experience - senses, feelings etc is stored in our mind just like a computer. No history - no slate to wipe - no thoughts.
To slate that there is no moon or sun because there is no memory of the same is akin to saying the moon is in the water on seeing its reflection.
As Christopher Fry says "There will always be another reality to make fiction of the truth we think we've arrived at"
Fully agree: There is no constant in life. Just change. And more change. Every moment. Even science has proved it. What is true today changes tomorrow. Is all subjective.
interesting post :-) i liked it...
similar to movie "the matriX"
Aditi, White Magpie and wndevourme..for dropping in...
I like the "(un) real"
Pooja:Glad you liked it!
Completely devoid of all sensory perception is a possible condition. Extremely rare. I have worked with people with special needs. Basic disability is something we have learnt to handle to a great degree of success. Multiple disability is not so easy but somehow some breakthrough is being made. I have seen that too. But every person is born with a soul. It is not inside the body as we know it. Our actions and the soul have a reciprocal effect - our body express the soul and our soul can be affected by our action. In the mundane sense, yes, not much progress can be made. In the spiritual sense, it is not the case because the soul never regresses. May progress slowly but never regresses. Then there is the question of the effect of other people on that soul. Not just of the soul on itself. So...progress is inevitable (is a way we may not be perceptive enough to understand).
Just what I believe, that's all.
Arrowhead:I tend to agree with all that you have to say...however,the purpose of this post was only to bring out the fact that reality as we know it is just an illusion and vice versa..!!
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