The Religion of Laziness
The most widely practiced religion of the world. Extends to human beings, animals and all object large or small.
The more one practices the more one gets to believe in it.
It has addictive capacities.
The evils are hard work, dedication and the like.
it is contigious and there is no need for a preacher, it’s the “basic instinct” of things alive.
It does not believe in racism, caste and creed. One becomes a member by birth.
I am a staunch follower of the religion, come and join me and spread unityJ
Life is beautiful....!!!!
On Marriage...
There is this overwhelming thing going on around me on decisions related to marriage that has brought out so many approaches to the issue and has also brought into focus the divide between a female side and the male side of the issue.
The major difference in approach stems from difference in with they are treated in the Indian Society. (I would not want to generalize it for the world at large since I am not aware of the dynamics of the same.).
From the time that a girl is a kid, she knows either implicitly or explicitly that there are limits within which one needs to function. There are limitations of time which govern ones movement, there are higher moral standards which a girl must adhere to, she has to be in control of her emotions and be a more balanced person, she cannot afford to be a rogue all the time. Incase one does stay away from her parents, then there is a constant worry on the parents head that the daughter is safe and sound. Wonder how many father’s ever call there son each day to ask if everything is okay.
They want her to marry at a particular age, cause being a women you possibly cannot live your life all by yourself. Having a male company is better.
Given the changes that the Indian society is undergoing (at least in the larger cities), the girl wants to live her life on her terms and does not in most cases understand the parents point of view. Added to all this is the fact that women are more averse in getting into an arranged marriage set up. Because she thinks she will have to become more responsible, what if she is deprived of the freedom that she had just got, what if the fitment is not proper?
Many of these questions keep haunting her!!
Yet, in many other cases one does marry and puts an end to those many unnecessaey arguments at home and get on with life. After all life is about so many more productive things than just after running relationships. In the end it’s all not worth it…but this approach is mainly made by the ones who are matured, balanced, have had there share of fun and know that they can protect their individuality even when in an intimate relationship like a marriage. Somewhere there is also that human desire which many have to settle down and share one’s life and get company in life. But with the insecurities that a girl has she wants the best of both worlds, a little scared of the unknown and unwilling to let go of the rosy present.
Whatever be the case, the only thing that I have discovered and realized post marriage is that it’s easiest to not care for anybody but oneself and cater to only ones desires, moods,likes and dislikes.
All this is undoubtedly important for ones personnel growth, but marriage does not stop your growth. It makes you more disciplined in life, a little more considerate of the other’s feeling, a strong sense of priority develops. There is no other relationship, which is as demanding as a marriage on your emotions. In ways more than one, it prepares you for challenges which life might throw up in future.Somewhere one either learns to live with ones insecurities or breaks many of those, depending on the situation.
If only one can condition ones mind a little before getting in a commitment like this, life can be so much more fun…Coz human being is a social animal and company makes doing small little things tones and tones of fun.
What is life if not FUN and LAUGHTER.
Reliance Retail-A Case in Point-II
Allow me to break up the ealier post into two different post about reliance retail and SEZ’s
On reliance retail and the model,
A sale of about 12,500 per square feet.
Per store investment of 50-60 lakhs and a return of 30-36 lakhs on each store.( which is 36% on each store)
Each store has an area of 2000-2500 square feet, since larger areas cost more and are difficult to get.
They will store only vegetables, fruits and very few provisions.
They are not in competition with the supermarkets, but with vegetable vendors directly.
They eventually plan to enter into contract farming with farmers, but for now it is providing higher price to the farmers with definite bulk business.
The Supply chain in the particular segment is not matured; Reliance is therefore trying to capture a major part of the supply chain.
They are using the SEZ route and are using them as distribution and storing hubs.
The total project cost is 25,000 crores and land cost is a substantial percentage of the same.
Reliance has not invested the money in the property ,which is the main cost, instead they floated a fund called “reliance reality fund” and they collected the money from the individual investor through the PMS route.
Am dedicating a new post on SEZ-both positives and negatives!!
Reliance Retail-A Case in Point
Have been trying to write this post for a long time now, sometimes you want to write something, it’s on all mind all the time but still you dont end up doing it.
Anyway, without further delay:
Reliance has entered the retail sector. The strategy is to run the business on economies of scale, eliminate the middlemen, offer higher price to the farmers with a definite bulk business. It will offer vegetables/fruits at half the price of the wholesale cost.
It will be using the special economic zones as stocking and distribution hubs in order to reduce the overheads etc. The SEZ policy itself is a subject of debate-both in principle and in execution.
SEZ’s are treated as foreign territories as far as trade, tariff and duties are concerned. They can source any raw material, capital goods without any approval/licence. Therfore they have full access to domestic markets, get taxation benefits. In order to put things in perspective, these SEZ’s were formed after the licence raj inorder to develop the Indian industries. However as things stand today, they are becoming more of a “lagal land grabbind phenomenon”. The Ambanis, DLF etc will have no disincentive in shifting the existing projects to these and enjoy the tax benefits.
This is what Reliance is exactly planning to do. Use the SEZ’s as distribution hubs.The fact that there are going to be 400 such SEZ also makes it all the available, unlike in a country like China where there are only 5-6 SEZ’s.
With the track record that Reliance has and the reputation it enjoys, am not sure what does the future have in store. They could eliminate the middlemen, be the sole buyer for the farmers and then they could start arm twisting them. All this since they could have the monopoly in the segment for at least some time. Is the law/s affecting the various sections in the society clearly defined and the machinery effective.
I am not saying that don’t let a reliance come up, all that I want I say is that don’t let them exploit someone else.The reason that we will have to be more sensitive to the issue is:
With the growth rate that India has, which very few countries in the world today have, with the population which very few countries in the world have..the problem of “Haves and the Have Not’s” will only increase and the implications for the same could be much more grave than what can immediatley meets the eye.
Which is why we talk about corporate social responsibility today.This concept did not exist in India few years ago.I just hope that we wake up to the challenges faster, lest the situation is out of our control someday.